I saw a post from someone in Los Angeles asking people to please put a hold on their pontifications and hot takes.
We know why this happened and why it will keep happening and what lead to it happening.
What we don’t know — yet — is what would happen if we stopped thinking about it and writing about it and dissecting it and used that time and energy to go into our communities and say “we have to do something. We have to be ready. No amount of good ideas will save us. We have to save us. We have to live out those good ideas.”
It isn’t enough to create justice in our imaginations. It is a crucial first step, and the next steps are just as crucial.
We are great at postulating. We are terrible at taking collective action. Take your great postulations and write them down and get people to sign them and send them to decision makers so frequently that they eventually have to listen to you. That’s what schedule send is for. Turn your postulations into resilience plans, climate mitigation tactics, and community organizing frameworks. Do something and do it often.
When predators enter bee hives, the bees climb all over them and buzz so hard that they heat the predators to death. We have to actually do something. We have to become as relentless as the bees. All of us have unique corners of the world to tend to, and the tending never happens if all of our time and energy is spent talking about how important it is to tend.
To love each other is to be in action on each others’ behalves. Beside and between and betwixt each other like bees on a hornet.