Indeed. I just got certified as a death doula and am looking forward to doing this important work.

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My birth experience was also my first close-up experience with death. After my daughter died in labour and was stillborn, I was left to live a life I never could have imagined…I didn’t have a doula, and none of the care professionals in my hospital or community were able to be the support I would have liked to have had during that time where both my motherhood & my grieving were brand new. It’s taken some time for me to realize that I can be that person for birthing people, especially those experiencing loss or a pregnancy after loss, as a doula. Thank you for your words. They’re right on time for me 🤍

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oh my. peace to you. How terribly difficult and sad.

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I resonate so much with this and know that feeling of being half way through the figurative birth canal and wanting it to be overrr.

Last night I met the mother of a Trans woman who will be accompanying her to Thailand next month for her bottom surgery. My boyfriend said, "you get to see her be birthed again."

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Omg my heart 😭💓😭💓😭💓

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Right?! You could tell that it struck her too. "Oh my God, I'm going to cry" to strangers... who were no longer strangers

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Thank you for this sharing of how impactful birth work, doula support is, to all of Life beyond just labor & postpartum! 💚

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Isn't it amazing that the one constant in life - change and impermanence, is actually something we don't really prepare for and as you say focus on getting back to how things were rather than a sensitivity to the new requirements of transformation. I have been watching a young woman living next to me "getting back " to the same sort of social life and body as pre birth and thinking after reading your column how that simply sets her against herself - creates resentment that her life is now "limited" rather than different. Thank you so much for your insight - it's incredibly wise.

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what a great read! thank you for all the metaphors here. i wish i had many doulas for all of life’s big changes and the invitation to be my own doula is something i will sit with for some time.

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I'm a postpartum doula in training and just love how doula-ing looks so different but all has the same purpose to support and guide people through transition. I never stopped to think about how being as kind and graceful towards myself during my year of change was my way of being my own doula 💓

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