"Silence doesn’t mean you’ve stopped caring. It means you care enough not to center your voice in a time when it needs to be quiet enough to hear the outcries of others." Thank you for putting words to my silence.

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Exactly what was needed, thank you.

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Pregnant silences are full of possibilities. I am reminded of a quote I once read about silence being the loudest sound in the world, or something to that effect. And all that is so true. Silence can crush or it can build. I frankly prefer the latter part. Thank you for sharing this. It was moving for me as silence is what recharges me the most. Have a good day.

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I enjoy silence when I’m in the car.

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Thank you for these words, they resonate beyond. Practicing finding more silence, pause and rest in my days to make space for what needs to come through. Leading this practice with curiosity and welcoming whatever emotions, thoughts, feelings lay below the constant chatter. <3 Morgan

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